Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lots and Lots of Bubbles!

 I took this of a lone bubble floationg in the sky.

Cool bokeh in this shot! 

It's been a long time since we've played with bubbles and wow, was it fun!! My girls are growing older and don't pick them up like they use to. We had a blast making big 
bubbles, long bubbles, blowing one bubble at a 
time and then as many as we could. I actually 
forgot how much fun bubbles can be...
and how beautiful they are when the 
light catches them just right! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wisteria and other shades of purple.

I was on the hunt this week for Wisteria...the color. It 
is a shade of purple. I wandered around our yard
and found several different shades.  

 Our lavender grows out front under our 
dogwood tree. I enjoy its sweet fragrance
every time I walk by. 

Its a great gathering spot for bees.
As I watch, they busy themselves, 
flying flower-to-flower, gathering their
nectar and pollen.

I used a 50-mm, 2.8, 1/8000 to shoot this bumble bee as he was en route to his next flower.

Such amazing creatures! 

I planted this next flower in our yard a few years ago. 
I lost the tags and forget the name. It is a perennial.
Anyone know what it might be?

These are a darker shade of purple. I think the 
fimbriated-type edges are so lovely. 

I bought these purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea)
 at our local farmer's market about four years ago. 

They were the first flowers I planted in our 
backyard landscaping.  

 They attract butterflies and more often than not, a butterfly 
can be spotted fluttering around these cone-shaped flowers.

"Flowers seem intended for the solace of 
ordinary humanity."  ~John Ruskin 


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Thursday, July 21, 2011

In Search of Macaroni & Cheese.

My husband and I were visiting Boston when 
P64 revealed this week's color
  ... Macaroni & Cheese.
I snapped a few photos, hoping to find 
a good match. 

We came across a small farmer's market 
in downtown Boston. I love markets in the summer. 
So many fresh fruits and veggies as well as 
wonderful breads and other goodies. 
So, we took some time to wander through.

These carrots caught my eye, but the color 
didn't quite match for Macaroni & Cheese.

I continued my search. I found this super cute 
scooter parked on the street, right across from the
Customs House on King's Street, the site of 
the Boston Massacre.

 I thought this was a pretty good match. 

But, I just wasn't sure this was what I was looking for, 
so after we were home, I splashed around with 
some orange soda. And here's what I got...

I took these with a slow shutter speed in
order to show the motion of the liquid. 

This last one is my favorite and my entry for
Macaroni & Cheese.  Head on over to Project 64 
and check out all the other great entries! 

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sea Boston.

This week my husband and I are traveling together. 
We are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary! 
And...while it's been an amazing time, it is also
 a difficult week for us. Our girls are 
at camp for the very first time. We are thankful
they have the opportunity to experience this, 
but we are counting down every minute 'til pickup!

Anyway, we travelled to Boston. It's a fabulous 
city and my new favorite!  We found this building 
in Cambridge, right near Harvard. It houses a tuxedo 
store on the first floor. I thought it was the 
perfect match for this week's 
Project 64 color, Sea Green.  

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Head over the the P64 page and check 
out the other fabulous entries!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I took this in Key West 
(one of our very favorite places).

I can almost feel the sun on my skin and the warm 
breeze blowing my hair as I gaze at this photo.
My paradise!


The Hibiscus. So lovely! 

Check out Project 64 for more great red finds! 

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One other RED photo I wanted to share.
These nonedible red berries grow 
at the end of our yard.


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