I took these photos a few weeks ago. If you are on
Facebook or
Instagram, you may have seen a few here and there. I have finally finished editing them and am excited to share them with you. As I finished posting them here, I realized that Sunday is Mother's Day. As I looked back through each and every photo, I am blown away. My girls are truly growing into beautiful young ladies. They truly amaze me. Their sweetness and kindness envelopes them. I am so proud of who they are becoming. In some ways they are alike, but in many ways different. I admire the quiet determination Addison has. She is a hard worker, sets goals for herself and works hard to achieve them. While quiet at times, she loves to laugh and is very witty. She can laugh at her mistakes. She is also sweet and sensitive. She has a heart gold, full of compassion, wanting to help those in need or less fortunate. Morgan is a spunky girl, she knows what she likes. Her style is her own. She is a social butterfly who loves to be around others. She has a smile that can light up the room. She is imaginative and creative. She is a lover to both people and animals. Both of my girls have so many special qualities and gifts. We are working to raise strong young women who will leave their mark in this world. They may each do it on their own sort of stage and in their own unique way, but I am confident, they will touch many hearts on their journey.

To my girls:
Stay strong always. Let life's trials push you to push back harder.
Don't ever lose the sweetness and compassion you have.
Laugh a lot. It's good for you, but also for others who hear you laugh.
Smile. Your smiles can brighten anyone's day. Never stop.
Be giving, share what you have.
Be accepting of others.
Complain less, be grateful more.
Know that I will always love you. I am proud of you every single day you live.
Love, Mama
Linking up with Little Things Thursday Favorite Photo Friday Friday Photo Journal