A couple summers ago, our family travelled to Europe. We spent half our trip in Rome and the second half in Paris. One of our favorite stops in Paris was the Eiffel Tower. My oldest daughter has had a love for Paris and the French culture since she was about six years old (she is now fourteen). She taught herself many French words and phrases and actually was able to help us out when we couldn't communicate exactly what we wanted during our stay.
I used two of my photos from our visit to the Eiffel Tower for my homework on Day 6 of Kim Klassen's Skinny Mini E-Course. She was teaching us about textures.
For the first photo, she gave us a recipe. I made a copy of the background and changed the blending mode to soft light 100%. I then created another background copy and changed the blending mode to Multiply at 58%. I added her Paper Stained Light texture and used the Multiply blending mode at 53%. I then added a second layer of her Paper Stained Light texture with soft light at 100%. I just love the result! And don't you just love the two people laying in the grass on the bottom right of the photo?
For my second photo, she wanted us to "add our own twist." So, I copied the background layer, added an adjustment layer and adjusted the levels. I added a layer of Kim Klassen's Paper Stained texture at 46% opacity. I then added a second layer of her Paper Stained Light texture set to 100% soft light blend mode. Lastly, I added the text, "C'est si bon!" which means "It is so good!"
I'm learning all kinds of new little tips and tricks I hadn't known about. If you need to brush up on Photoshop tools or you need a good starting point, this is the perfect course!